Baka community center, 2 indoor gyms, 2 dance studios, outdoor courts, grass feild, indoor classrooms and more.

All indoor areas are air conditioned.

A ‘Short day’ is an enjoyable, fun filled day in camp with activities such as: Different types of sports, water slides, arts and crafts and many special activities . The day begins at 8am and ends at 13:15 pm. Liga Camp provides a breakfast roll and spreads.
The kids have a fun filled day in camp from 8am to 1:15 pm, with activities such as: Swimming, different types of sports, amusement parks or water slides. A hot lunch is included every day. The Specialty afternoon program is from 1:15 pm-3:45 pm. The children play ping pong,  jump on jumpy castles, watch a movie or do arts and crafts. In addition the children get an instructional “chug”  such as: Basketball, Soccer, Baking, Arts and Crafts and more. These classes are set in a group setting with professional teachers and coaches for the most effective experience.

A significant part of the camp will involve the individual training in the various sports. Each child will receive personal and professional attention, with a serious attempt to upgrade each camper’s skill set and maximize his or her potential.

Liga camp for grades 7-9 offers a variety of activities specially tailored to this age group.
Camp hours: 9 AM – 1:15 PM (some late day that include lunch).
this program at camp is with extra exciting activities with trips.
Professional coaches will instruct higher-level players.
Our campers will go bowling, visit the Yamit 2000, magic cass, rock climbing and have a great time at many other special activities and surprises.

The CIT program- 8th-9th graders that join the program will be offered a job after they finish our training program. it’s fun and fruitful!

The Aruchat Eser (breakfast) includes a roll and fruit. we provide water in coolers all day.

The lunch includes a full meal of a hot meat dish, a starch and salad or cooked vegetable. Pizza will be served every Thursday, fruits or popsicle.

All the campers are insured by law.
Two security guards will be around the campus at all times (8am-4pm).

Yes. Everything is strictly Kosher, All food products are mehadrin.

Yes. Boys and girls will be separated for most camp activities, including swimming.